I began giving grades to emails that I received. I grade on how much it amuses me, has value to me, the timing of it’s arrival, if it has any use to me, etc. I gave a friend an A- and he told me to piss off. (You think he would’ve been happy with that)
Another friend told me he’s gonna have to get new friends and then questioned why I have the right to grade emails. I said “because I thought of it”

Even the parking meters are subliminally trying to destroy me! I must be on to something.
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Posted By AndyFan: I can aggravate Andy without even talking to him. But I think you all knew that already. If you didn’t than you haven’t been reading this blog long enough and that is just aggravating to the both of us. So cut it out and get back to reading.
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In fact, it’s now at the top.
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Andy: “I have to go to Beverly Hills to have my sunglasses adjusted to my face”.
Derek: “Are you going to have your shit polished while you’re at it?”
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even though I can’t seem to find out where to take private eye classes?
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Posted By AndyFan: Andy has a friend named Moira. He can’t stand her. But he won’t tell her this. He is just too nice of a guy. He should just throw her to the curb, but Andy has morals. Or morsals, I get all confused when I am hungry. He will not say it like it is to her. Moira does not own or use a computer, at least not a personal computer like the fancy ones we write on here at AndyPagana.com (there is no we people, it’s just Andy and me and there is nothing fancy about our operation), so I feel as though I am at liberty to discuss his utter frustration and near hatred for Moira. She is a stupid beeotch. That felt good to get off my chest. You don’t know how many times I have been on the phone with Andy and she interupts. It would be one thing if it were for a worthy or noble cause. And I am not even talking an Andy cause. I would be willing to be interrupted for any cause. Andy will argue this, but at least something good coming from Moira opening her stupid mouth would be a positive. I don’t mean to be mean, but yeah I do. She sucks. Everytime I call, ok, everytime he calls me, we are interupted by Moira, who will in a matter of moments destroy everything Andy worked on that day by leading him down the wrong path. I get mad at her but he won’t tell her. So I am putting it out there. Out there for the world to hear and witness. Don’t talk to Moira. First off, it’s as if she doesn’t hear a word you say. Second, she just doesn’t care. If you accept her into your life you will be on her time, following her around until you are simply lost and at your wits’ end. That’s when you call me. If you were Andy that is. I ain’t giving all you people my phone number.
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All day long I swear it was Friday. But apparently it’s Monday.
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I did that today and had to leave the office.
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Posted By AndyFan: Always, I mean never, call Andy by his last name only.
Mr. Pagana, I will be calling you shortly. Sénior AndyFan
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