I Tried Something New Yesterday

I began giving grades to emails that I received. I grade on how much it amuses me, has value to me, the timing of it’s arrival, if it has any use to me, etc. I gave a friend an A- and he told me to piss off. (You think he would’ve been happy with that)

Another friend told me he’s gonna have to get new friends and then questioned why I have the right to grade emails. I said “because I thought of it”

4 Responses to “I Tried Something New Yesterday”


    Hey people,

    I stumbled onto Andy’s blog a while ago, and let me tell you something. This guy knows what he’s talking about. Listen to him world. Andy, hang in there and please GIVE US MORE!!!!!!

  • Andy Says:

    I like you, Andyfantoo, whoever you are! You are very smart.


    Why won’t this damn thing post. Post DAMN YOU…..




    Andy, sometimes it takes a world as slow as hours time to recognize true genius. Your’s is a mind that can not be ignored much longer.

    I, myself, am still waiting for Homer Simpson to be recognized for the brilliant mind that he is. So what if he has a slight drinking problem. As the great Homer himself states, “Alcohol, it’s the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems” Bravo Homer!!! Keep drinking my friend.

    Anywho!! Hang in there Andy and keep giving us these life altering posts.

    Oh….and STAY AWAY FROM THOSE DAMN OWLS WOULD YA??? You’re just asking for trouble.

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