Another fan of Andy… Michael Byrne (Vogel, from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) EXPANDED

Andy and Vogel (Michael Byrne)
An interview (I think our first here at
I had no tape recorder so here is approximately what transpired. (There is some swearing. Sorry) We spent about forty minutes together sitting in a corner of a hotel lobby, near that building from ‘Die Hard’. Here are the highlights. The rest will be printed in my autobiography when I get to it…
Andy: Michael, I am a huge fan of yours, too! You are one of my most favorite badguys. Do you know Peter O’Toole?
Michael: I was in Rome once. Years ago. I had done  some work with him before. I had a phone call. The voice on the other end of the phone said “Michael, have you read the bloody play yet?” “Who is this?” I said. “It’s Peter Peter Fucking O’Toole, you cunt”
Andy: What the fuck happened with Indy 4?Â
Michael: (Censored)
Andy: Do you remember me? I saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8 times in the theatre.
Michael: It doesn’t work that way. You can see me but I can’t see you.
Andy: Pff. Did it hurt when you went off the cliff on the tank?
Michael: No. That was a special effect.
Andy: So… it didn’t hurt? It looked like it hurt.
Michael: It didn’t.
Andy: And I notice that you hold onto the turret even after you have crashed. How did you do that?
Michael: It wasn’t me. It was a miniature of me.
Andy: Wow. Well, it looked like it hurt. Did you have on knee pads or something?
Michael: I wasn’t really there.
Andy: Did Harrison Ford get mad when you punched him and then shoved his face on the tank’s tread?Â
Michael: It was acting.
Andy: Are you sure? Because he looked mad.
Michael: I’m sure.
Andy: When Indy was hanging from the tank gun why didn’t you just shoot him? Why hit him with a shovel?
Michael: I did what I was told to do.
Andy: Pfff. Nazis. Always the same excuse. Well, I don’t know how you survived the fall but it was a great stunt. How did you not hit your head on the camera as you fell towards it, screaming?Â
Michael: (sigh) I got lucky I suppose.
Andy: You want a cup of coffee?
Michael: No, I’m drinking wine, thank you. I shouldn’t be drinking this. I’m tired. I just got off the plane. I hate flying.Â
Andy: Me too. I drove across the country 10 times.
Michael: You guys use planes here like we use cars.
Andy: ‘We’ meaning Nazi’s looking for the Holy Grail?
Michael: The biritsh.
Andy: Were you born there?
Michael: No. Scotland. (or did he say Ireland? Damn it!)
Michael: Who let you in here?
Andy: Schwartzy did. That little guy over there. He saw you and told me you were here and I knew you would want to meet me. Lets take a picture. (Calls out) Schwartzy!!!
(Old fashioned flashbulb pops)
Andy: It was a pleasure to meet me. Thanks so much, Michael. How do you say goodbye in Germany, again? (I wanted to tell him here he had the most amazing blue eyes but I lost my courage.)