It’s Hard To Find Good Help
Posted by AndyFan: These words are uttered daily by Andy. Possibly even hourly. For any number of reasons at any given point of the day. It could be anywhere. It could be about andything and everything. And I always feel a tremor in the universe when they are (not sure if it feels his pain or is pained by his feelings, he has to work that out with the universe).
Years ago when Andy was working on his independent television show, The Nonsense Box, he would call and complain several times a day about the lack of help he was receiving from his friends and associates. “Don’t they know who I am?” he would ask, leaving off the “going to be one day.”
Actually most often he would call up and say, “Well, no one is helping me, so I have to do it myself.” He said this with, well, we’ll call it a certain je ne sais quoi, and I am not sure who he was referring to, but I have a feeling I was no one. Not sure, but here is why I have that feeling. Today, after a few days away I got a frantic call from our fearless leader. (Gotta love the scheduled posting of WordPress, I could set this blog up to post for the next year and Andy would never know I was gone, oh balls, now he will.)
“Where have you been?” I tried to cut it off at the pass by asking his question for him. I had two messages on my cell phone that were not from Happy Andy. Yes, there is an Angry Andy. He sits next to Serious Andy at the table. Sometimes they confuse themselves for the other, but more often than not it’s Angry Andy talking for Serious Andy.
“What? You are the hardest person to get a hold of. What were you doing all day (yesterday)?” he quipped. (Is that the right word? I like the word quipped. Andy seems like the kind of person who would quip. Now that I write it a few more times I don’t even know if it is a word. Do I have time to look it up, nah, you get the meaning by this point.)
So Andy quipped. Well, long story a little longer (ok lets get real, this isn’t that long yet, or you don’t know me by now). So, he quipped, by now I am not sure about what, I am kind of confused. Too many hats and this one seems to be on most these days. It was something about how I am not around and blah, blah, blah. He really shouldn’t yell at me when I am in the middle of writing his blog.
Apparently he couldn’t find me yesterday, so he didn’t get any help, but I think you all saw that coming. He yelled at me, I said sorry. He gave me some work to do on his latest post (it’s kind of like the canvases for those keeping track). I spent some time doing the work and decided this would make for some interesting reading. Not sure if it is, but I am amused, and sometimes that all that counts, just ask Andy.
April 17th, 2009 at 1:35 pm
No. All that matters is if “I” am amused.
April 17th, 2009 at 9:14 pm
That s what I said, I am amused. Aren’t you reading this?