An Apology (read correction) (reread many corrections)
Posted by AndyFan: AndyFan would like to apologize for his lack of editing in Andys’ absence. It is true that there were several misspellings over the weekend and that I was infact told when his return would be, but lost track of the calendar (It must have been all that chocolate). I have revised the pages (the magic of blogdum) and made good on the good name of all things Andy here at I would also like to kill the rumor that I started that Andy is pregnant. Boys can not get pregnant. We all learned that in 5th grade health class. Or was it 4th. It doesn’t matter, Andy is a boy and he can not get pregnant. Boys can not get pregnant. They just can’t. Don’t ask why if you don’t know. We can’t explain it here. We barely maintain a PG-13 rating as it is. We would lose too many subscribers if we were forced to an R rating.