Andy goes to the Boulder Dam


I would like to thank AndyFan for continuing to post while I was on my peregrination. He (or She), in their playful way, continues to enlighten me about myself in a great many ways, despite the poor spelling. (And despite the fact they they clearly do not keep a careful watch of my movements since they didn’t know accurately when I would be returning). I apologize for their ignorance, laziness and lack of research. They are trying. (Very trying).

Andywho, onto my journey. I traveled to glittering Las Vegas for a few days of… well… let’s just let that just stay in Vegas… and had a few days of peace, relaxation, and gambling at every Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade  slot machine I could find. (There are A LOT of them). $6,000 later (I won’t say if that’s poorer or richer) I traveled onward, but not before checking out the famous Boulder Damn (or the Hoover Dam for you vacuum cleaner hero worshippers), where I met one of my many fans. (See above) I not only afforded her the pleasure of a picture with me, but I combined my art of showing off my belly in that photo as well. (see photo, again.) (No, really, look again) For those of you that are unaware, (you are not TRUE fans) I often expose my Matthew Kelly (as the cockneys would say) in front of historical landmarks or events for the purpose of a photo. Call it… Art. (Why not?) There will be more in this series as I scour my archives for your pleasure. In the meantime, enjoy the first of this series from 2009.